
100 Ausdrücke Für Geschäftsenglisch, Um Professionell Zu Sprechen Und Ihre Karriere Voranzutreiben

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Englisch ist derzeit die wichtigste Sprache für den Geschäftserfolg.

In China lernen derzeit mehr Menschen Englisch als in jedem anderen Land. Jüngste Studien haben gezeigt, dass größere internationale Zentren (Zentren) Englisch verwenden, um zu kommunizieren, während weniger besiedelte Gebiete (Orte mit weniger Menschen) dies seltener tun.

Wenn Sie planen, beruflich zu reisen, werden Sie sich wahrscheinlich in einigen größeren städtischen (Großstädten) Zentren wiederfinden. Englisch wird die universelle (allgemeine) Sprache im Büro sein, daher ist es gut, einige der Sprachen zu beherrschen, die Sie jeden Tag verwenden, um im Geschäft voranzukommen.

Dies ist eine Liste mit wichtigen Ausdrücken, um bei Geschäftstreffen auf Englisch zu kommunizieren.


Leute zum ersten Mal treffen

(We’ve emailed many times but/ We’ve spoken on the phone but) it’s so nice to finally meet you (face to face).

You must be (name).

Here’s my business card.

Smalltalk zu Beginn eines Meetings

Did you have any trouble finding us?/ Did you have any trouble getting here?

How was your journey?/ How was your flight?

Is this your first time (here) in (name of place)?

Nice day/ Lovely day/ Horrible weather/ Rather hot/ A bit humid (today), isn’t it?


Übergeht Phrasen für einen reibungslosen Übergang von einer Phase zur anderen

Well (then),…/ Okay (then),…/ Right (then),…/ So,…/ Anyway,…/ Anyhow,…

Etwas Nettes über den Smalltalk sagen

…I’d love to chat more, but…

…you must tell me more about that later, but…

…it’s been lovely to catch up, but…

Einen Grund geben, den Smalltalk zu beenden

…we have a lot to get through today, so…

…we have to be out of here by 12, so…

…I have another meeting at 11, so…

Kommen Sie zu Geschäftsphrasen

… let’s get down to business/ I think we should make a start/ shall we get started…

Sprache nach dem Vorschlag, um ihn weicher zu machen und eine Reaktion auszulösen

…, if you don’t mind/ if that’s okay (with you).

Auf Geschäftsausdrücke reagieren

Of course./ Sure. (Let’s.)

Höfliche Sprache zu Beginn eines Meetings

Thanks for coming (all the way here/ so far) today (so early in the morning/ on such a cold day).


Apropos Tagesordnung

Does everyone have a copy of the agenda?

Einführung in das Thema des Treffens

As you (all/ should/ probably/ might) know,…

As I wrote in my email (yesterday/ about this meeting/ sending the agenda),…

The main reason for this meeting is…

What we need to decide/ talk about/ think about today is…

The (main) topic/ subject/ aim/ objective/ purpose/ goal of this meeting is…


Andere zum Reden bringen/ Nach Ideen fragen/ Meinungen einholen/ Menschen einbeziehen

(Do you have/ Does anyone have) any (other/ particular) thoughts/ comments/ opinions/ views (on this)?

What do you think (about this/ about that)?

Starke Meinungen abgeben

I really think…

I strongly believe/ I really believe/ I firmly believe…

I’m (absolutely/ completely/ 100%) certain/ convinced/ positive that…

Schwache Meinungen abgeben

I’m no expert on this, but…

(I’m not sure/ certain, but) I would guess/ I would imagine/ I would suppose…

This is only my opinion, but…

I would probably say that…

In my limited experience,…

Stimme voll und ganz zu

I totally agree.

(That’s/ You’re) exactly right./ Exactly!

(You are/ That’s) absolutely right!/ Absolutely!

I feel exactly the same way./ I feel just the same way.

Stimme schwach zu / Stimme nur ungern zu

You might be right./ You could be right./ You may be right.

I suppose you’re right./ I guess you’re right.

Völlig anderer Meinung

(I’m sorry but) I really don’t agree.

(I’m afraid) I have to disagree.

Widerspricht schwach / Widerspricht höflich

(I’m afraid) I don’t really agree.

I’m not sure that I agree.

I mostly agree, but…

(That’s a) good point, but…

I feel almost the same way, but…

Vorschläge machen/ Ideen einbringen (beim Brainstorming etc.)

I would suggest/ I would recommend/ I would advise…

My (main) suggestion/ recommendation/ advice would be to…

The best solution/ The best course of action would probably be…

We should (probably) consider/ think about…

Bitte um Beweise/ Bitte um Unterstützung für Meinungen/ Bitte um Gründe

What makes you say that?



Sorry to interrupt, but…

Can I come here (for a moment)?

(Before you go on,) can I just say…?

If I can just (interrupt) (for a moment),…

Personen zum Sprechen gestatten/ Personen zum Sprechen einladen/ Personen zum Unterbrechen gestatten

(Of course/ Sure), (please) go ahead. (What would you like to say?/ Please have your say.)

Anhalten der anderen Person beim Unterbrechen/ Halten der Drehung

Sorry, can I just finish this one point (first)?/ Sorry, can I just what I’m saying (first)?

Sorry, just one (more) thing before you have your say,…

Die Wende zurückbringen/ Die Diskussion wieder in Gang bringen

(Now) where were we? Oh yes,…/ (Now) where was I? Oh yes,…

(Anyway/ Well), as I was saying…


Could you (possibly) give me a hand with/ lend me a hand with…?

Überprüfung/ Klärung/ Umgang mit Kommunikationsproblemen

Sorry, what do you mean by…?

(By…) do you mean…?

So (in other words), what you’re saying is…

Sorry, did you say… (or…)?

Helfen, zu einer Einigung zu kommen (wenn Menschen sich nicht einigen können)

Maybe we can decide this with a show of hands.

Please raise your hand if…

I think I can suggest a compromise.

Can anyone suggest a (possible) compromise?

Entscheidung verzögern/ Diskussion später fortsetzen

We don’t seem to be making much progress (on this), so let’s continue this discussion by email, shall we?

Maybe we can come back to that later/ in a later meeting (if we have time).

Maybe we should sleep on this and try again next week.

Thema wechseln/ Weitermachen

Okay, we’ve still got a few points to get through, so…

Right, I think we’ve covered that, so…

…let’s move on to the next point/ topic on the agenda, shall we?

…let’s turn our attention to…


Zustimmung prüfen (von allen/über alles)

Are we (all) agreed?

Fassen Sie zusammen, was Sie besprochen und vereinbart haben, und reagieren Sie darauf

So, to summarise our discussion/ So, to sum up our agreement,…

Überprüfe, ob es nichts mehr zu besprechen gibt und antworte darauf

Is there anything else that we need to discuss (before we finish)?

No, I think we’ve covered everything, thanks.

Actually, there is just one more thing (that I’d like to discuss/ that we need to discuss).  

Reibungsloses Beenden / Gründe für das Beenden des Meetings angeben und darauf reagieren

Anyway, I’m afraid I have another meeting in 10 minutes, so we’ll have to stop there (if you don’t mind).

Well, I think someone is waiting for this room, so shall we call it a day (if that’s okay)?

So, I’d like to be able to discuss this more, but I know (name) has to be somewhere, so we’ll have to come back to it another time, I’m afraid.

Abschluss des eigentlichen Meetings

So/ Okay/ Right (then), let’s call it a day/ wrap it up there (and continue…) (, shall we?)

Höfliche und freundliche Sprache am Ende eines Meetings

Thanks, that was very useful./ Thanks, that was very productive.

Thanks for (all) your (great) contributions/ ideas. (They were very helpful).

Thanks for making the time to meet us./ Thanks for taking the time to meet us.

Thanks for inviting us.

It was great to see you (again).

It was (so) nice to (finally) meet you.

Have a good weekend/ a good trip/ fun/ a good time/ a safe journey.

Apropos zukünftigen Kontakt

I look forward to seeing you again soon.

(As I said) I’ll (check with my boss and) get in touch/ be in contact/ email you (about)…

See you at…/ See you next…/ See you on…/ See you soon./ See you, then./ See you then./ See you later.

Gute Smalltalk-Fragen am Ende eines Meetings

Do you have to go (straight) back to your office?

(Do you have) any more meetings today?

(Are you) finished for today?

(Do you have) any plans for the weekend?


Wenn Sie Englisch lernen, verbessern Sie Ihre Chancen, einen besseren Job zu finden, mehr Geld zu verdienen, ins Ausland zu reisen, international zu studieren und neue internationale Freunde zu finden
Lerne deine erste Englischstunde innerhalb von 5 Minuten!


Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

Maria C
ar   Argentinien

Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

Andre T
fr   Frankreich