Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Englische Redewendungen, Sprichwörter und Redewendungen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil des alltäglichen Englisch. Sie kommen die ganze Zeit in geschriebenem und gesprochenem Englisch vor. Da Redewendungen wörtlich nicht immer Sinn ergeben, müssen Sie sich mit der Bedeutung und Verwendung der einzelnen Redewendungen vertraut machen. Das mag nach viel Arbeit erscheinen, aber das Lernen von Redewendungen macht Spaß, besonders wenn Sie englische Redewendungen mit den Redewendungen in Ihrer eigenen Sprache vergleichen.
Wenn Sie lernen, gängige Redewendungen und Ausdrücke zu verwenden, wird Ihr Englisch einheimischer klingen, daher ist es eine gute Idee, einige dieser Ausdrücke zu beherrschen. Sie können beginnen, indem Sie unten die sehr gebräuchlichen englischen Redewendungen lernen, da Sie diesen regelmäßig begegnen werden, wenn Sie amerikanische Filme oder Fernsehsendungen ansehen oder die Vereinigten Staaten besuchen.
Die häufigsten englischen Redewendungen
Diese englischen Redewendungen sind im alltäglichen Gespräch in den Vereinigten Staaten sehr verbreitet. Sie werden sie in Filmen und Fernsehsendungen hören und können sie verwenden, um Ihr Englisch mehr wie das eines Muttersprachlers klingen zu lassen.
Idiom | Meaning | Usage |
A blessing in disguise | a good thing that seemed bad at first | as part of a sentence |
A dime a dozen | Something common | as part of a sentence |
Beat around the bush | Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable | as part of a sentence |
Better late than never | Better to arrive late than not to come at all | by itself |
Bite the bullet | To get something over with because it is inevitable | as part of a sentence |
Break a leg | Good luck | by itself |
Call it a day | Stop working on something | as part of a sentence |
Cut somebody some slack | Don't be so critical | as part of a sentence |
Cutting corners | Doing something poorly in order to save time or money | as part of a sentence |
Easy does it | Slow down | by itself |
Get out of hand | Get out of control | as part of a sentence |
Get something out of your system | Do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on | as part of a sentence |
Get your act together | Work better or leave | by itself |
Give someone the benefit of the doubt | Trust what someone says | as part of a sentence |
Go back to the drawing board | Start over | as part of a sentence |
Hang in there | Don't give up | by itself |
Hit the sack | Go to sleep | as part of a sentence |
It's not rocket science | It's not complicated | by itself |
Let someone off the hook | To not hold someone responsible for something | as part of a sentence |
Make a long story short | Tell something briefly | as part of a sentence |
Miss the boat | It's too late | as part of a sentence |
No pain, no gain | You have to work for what you want | by itself |
On the ball | Doing a good job | as part of a sentence |
Pull someone's leg | To joke with someone | as part of a sentence |
Pull yourself together | Calm down | by itself |
So far so good | Things are going well so far | by itself |
Speak of the devil | The person we were just talking about showed up! | by itself |
That's the last straw | My patience has run out | by itself |
The best of both worlds | An ideal situation | as part of a sentence |
Time flies when you're having fun | You don't notice how long something lasts when it's fun | by itself |
To get bent out of shape | To get upset | as part of a sentence |
To make matters worse | Make a problem worse | as part of a sentence |
Under the weather | Sick | as part of a sentence |
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it | Let's not talk about that problem right now | by itself |
Wrap your head around something | Understand something complicated | as part of a sentence |
You can say that again | That's true, I agree | by itself |
Your guess is as good as mine | I have no idea | by itself |
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