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Der bestimmte Artikel the ist das häufigste Wort im Englischen.
Wir verwenden den bestimmten Artikel vor einem Substantiv, wenn wir glauben, dass der Zuhörer/Leser genau weiß, worauf wir uns beziehen:
The Pope is visiting Italy.
The moon is very bright tonight.
Who is the president of France?
This is why we use the definite article with a superlative adjective:
He is the tallest boy in the class.
It is the oldest building in the town.
We live in a small house next to the church. (= the church in our village)
Dad, can I borrow the car? (= the car that belongs to our family)
When we stayed at my grandmother’s house, we went to the beach every day. (= the beach near my grandmother’s house)
Look at the boy over there. (= the boy I am pointing at)
A young man got a nasty shock when he tried to rob a jewellery shop in Richmond. The man used a heavy hammer to smash the windows in the shop.
Wir verwenden auch den bestimmten Artikel:
The wolf is not really a dangerous animal. (= Wolves are not really dangerous animals.)
The kangaroo is found only in Australia. (= Kangaroos are found only in Australia.)
The heart pumps blood around the body. (= Hearts pump blood around bodies.)
Joe plays the piano really well.
She is learning the guitar.
How long does it take on the train?
I heard it on the radio.
You should tell the police.
Wir können den bestimmten Artikel auch mit Adjektiven wie rich, poor, elderly und unemployed, um über Personengruppen zu sprechen:
Life can be very hard for the poor.
I think the rich should pay more taxes.
She works for a group to help the disabled.
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