Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
So far so good
Synonyme: up to now, everything is fine, all is well so far, everything's good so far, etc.
Diese Redewendung wird häufig sowohl in zwanglosen als auch in formellen Gesprächen verwendet, um ein schnelles Statusupdate bereitzustellen. Hier sind einige Beispiele, die ihre Verwendung veranschaulichen:
"How's the new project coming along?"
"So far so good, but we still have a lot of work to do."
"We've been on the road for three hours. How's the trip going?"
"So far so good. The traffic has been light."
"How are your preparations for the event?"
"So far so good. We have most of the arrangements in place."
"You're halfway through the semester. How are your grades?"
"So far so good. I haven't had any major issues yet."
"How's the weather during your vacation?"
"So far so good. It’s been sunny every day."
Mit „so far so good“ können Sie ein positives, aber vorsichtiges Update zu einer laufenden Situation geben.
Juli, 2024
Gepostet von Darat Ajyal Sharurah
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