
Interjektionen auf Englisch, die Sie kennen müssen

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"Ow!" "Ack!" "Yikes!" Zweifellos kennt jeder, der mit Comics vertraut ist, diese prägnanten kleinen Äußerungen. Interjections (oder, wie sie manchmal – etwas irreführend – exclamations genannt werden) sind Wörter oder kurze Phrasen, die sich grammatikalisch vom Rest eines Satzes abheben oder ohne Subjekt und Verb allein erscheinen. Interjektionen können auch holophrases sein. Da sie oft zum Ausrufen verwendet werden, haben Interjektionen oft einen emotionalen Schlag, der fiktive Dialoge realistischer machen kann.

101 Interjections

Achten Sie beim Durchlesen dieser Liste darauf, ob Sie die Interjektionen erkennen können, die mehr als eine Bedeutung haben oder auf mehr als eine Weise verwendet werden können. Zusätzliche Schreibweisen oder Verwendungen sind in Klammern aufgeführt.

1. Ah: Ah, I don't know if that's true.

2. Aha: Aha! I figured it out!

3. Ahem: Ahem, could you boys stop talking so we could get on with class, please?

4. Alas: Alas, it was not to be.

5. Amen: Amen, hallelujah, amen!

6. Aw: Aw, do we have to?

7. Awesome: You two are dating? Awesome!

8. Aww: Aww, that's so cute!

9. Bada-bing (bada-bing, bada-bing, bada-boom): "You've gotta get up close like this and—bada-BING!—you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit." (From "The Godfather," 1972)

10. Bah: Bah, humbug!

11. Baloney: Oh, baloney. I don't believe that.

12. Big deal: Big deal. Who cares?

13. Bingo: Bingo! Right on target!

14. Boo: Boo! Scared you!

15. Boo-hoo: That makes me sad. Boo-hoo.

16. Booyah (boo-yah): Yeah, I aced this test. Booyah!

17. Boy (boy oh boy): Oh boy. Oh boy, oh boy. That's heavy, man.

18. Bravo: Bravo! That was fantastic!

19. Brilliant: Brilliant, luv, absolutely brilliant! (British English.)

20. Brrr: Brr! Minus 30 degrees? Yuk.

21. Bull: Bull. It's not 30 below zero, not really.

22. Bye (bye-bye): Bye! See you later!

23. Cheers: Cheers, mate! You're welcome. (British English); Cheers! Raise a toast! (American English.)

24. Come on (c'mon): Come on. Hurry up.

25. Cool: Oh, wow, that is so cool!

26. Cowabunga: "Cowabunga, dude." ("Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles")

27. Dang: Dang it! Where'd I put that?

28. Darn (darn it): Darn it! I can't find the other one either!

29. Dear me: Oh, dear me. What are we going to do?

30. Duck: Duck! No, really! Get down!

31. Duh: Well, duh. I can't believe you didn't know that.

32. Eh: Eh? What?

33. Enjoy: Enjoy! I hope you like it!

34. Excellent: "Party time, excellent!" ("Wayne's World")

35. Fabulous: Fabulous! That's just wonderful!

36. Fantastic: Fantastic! I just love it!

37. Fiddledeedee (fiddle-dee-dee): "Fiddle-dee-dee! War, war, war; this war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream." ("Gone With the Wind")

38. Finally: Finally! I never thought that'd be done.

39. For heaven's sake(s): "Oh, for heaven's sake, don't you know your Bible?" ("Little House on the Prairie")

40. Fore: Fore! (Look out! in golf)

41. Foul: Foul! In baseball, the ball went out of bounds, otherwise an infraction.

42. Freeze: Freeze! Stop right there!

43. Gee (gee whiz, gee willikers): Well gee whiz, Pa, why do I have to do that?

44. Giddyap (giddyup): Giddyup, Silver! Go, horse, go!

45. Golly (good golly, golly gee willikers): Golly, that sure was tasty.

46. Goodbye (good-bye): Goodbye, see you again soon!

47. Good grief: "Good grief, Charlie Brown." ("Peanuts")

48. Good heavens: Good heavens! How did that happen?

49. Gosh: “Whatever I feel like I wanna do, gosh!” ("Napoleon Dynamite")

50. Great: Great! I'm so excited you'll come along!

51. Great balls of fire: "Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!" ("Great Balls of Fire," Jerry Lee Lewis)

52. Ha: Ha-ha! That's funny!

53. Hallelujah: Glory be to God, hallelujah!

54. Heavens (heavens above, heavens to Betsy): Oh, heavens! How could you think that?

55. Heigh-ho: Heigh-ho neighbor! How are you?

56. Hello: Hello! How are things with you?

57. Help: Help! I need somebody ("Help!" The Beatles)

58. Hey (hey there): Hey! Look over there!

59. Hi (hiya): Hi! What's up?

60. Hip, hip, hooray: We won! On the count of three, everyone: Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!

61. Hmm (hrm): Hmm. Let me think about that for a bit.

62. Ho-ho-ho: Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas!

63. Holy mackerel (holy cow, holy moly, holy Moses, holy smokes): Holy mackerel! I can't believe it!

64. Ho-hum: Ho-hum, how boring.

65. Hooray (hurrah, hurray): Hooray! That's awesome!

66. Howdy (howdy do): Howdy, pardner.

67. Huh: Huh. I have no idea.

68. Ick: Ick! How gross!

69. Indeed: Indeed! I'll bet you didn't know that!

70. Jeez: Jeez, do we really have to go through this now?

71. Kaboom: Kaboom! It blew up!

72. Kapow: And Batman hit the evildoer, kapow!

73. Lordy (lordy, lordy): Oh lordy, lordy, look who's 40!

74. Mama mia: Mama mia, let me go. ("Bohemian Rhapsody," Queen)

75. Man: Man, that's unbelievable.

76. Marvelous: Marvelous! Oh, honey, that's just wonderful.

77. My: "My! I never once thought of it, Huck!" ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer")

78. My goodness (my heavens, my stars, my word): My goodness, isn't that just grand?

79. Nah: Nah, it'll never work.

80. No problem: Thank you. No problem.

81. No way (no way José): No way! I can't believe it.

82. Nope: Nope. I can't do that.

83. Nuts: Nuts! I wish I didn't have to.

84. Oh (oh boy, oh dear, oh my, oh my gosh, oh my goodness, oh no, oh well): Oh! That's shocking!

85. OK (okay): OK, sounds great. Thank you.

86. Ouch: Ouch! That hurt!

87. Ow: Ow! That stung!

88. Please: Would you help me, please?

89. Poof: Poof! She just disappeared.

90. Shh: Shh! Quiet in the library!

91. Super: Super! That's fantastic!

92. Swell: Swell! How great!

93. Welcome: Welcome! Come in!; (You're) Welcome!

94. Well: Well, I just don't know about that.

95. Whoop-de-doo: Well whoop-de-doo. (sarcasm) I so don't care.

96. Woo-hoo: Woo-hoo! That's fantastic!

97. Wow: Wow! I love it!

98. Yabba dabba doo: "Yabba dabba doo!" ("The Flinstones")

99. Yadda, yadda, yadda: "Well, we were engaged to be married, uh, we bought the wedding invitations, and, uh, yada, yada, yada, I'm still single." ("Seinfeld")

100. Yippee: Yippie! That's exciting!

101. Yummy: Yummy! I love chocolate cake!

Wortarten mit einfacher oder doppelter Funktion

Interjektionen werden traditionell als eine der acht Wortarten (oder Wortklassen) behandelt. Aber es lohnt sich zu bedenken, dass viele Interjektionen eine doppelte oder dreifache Funktion haben können wie andere Wortarten. Wenn zum Beispiel ein Wort wie "boy" oder "awesome" allein erscheint (oft gefolgt von einem Ausrufezeichen in der Schrift), fungiert es als Interjektion:

Boy! You have an answer for everything.

The crew chief handed me my first paycheck. "Awesome!" I said.

Aber wenn dasselbe Wort syntaktisch in einen Satz integriert auftaucht, funktioniert es normalerweise als eine andere Wortart. In den folgenden Beispielen ist "boy" ein Substantiv und "awesome" ein Adjektiv:

The boy ate a Snickers bar.

Seeing the northern lights for the first time was an awesome experience.

Wörter, die nur als Interjektionen verwendet werden, werden als primary interjections bezeichnet, während Wörter, die auch zu anderen Wortklassen gehören, als secondary interjections bezeichnet werden.

Oh! Hier ist noch etwas zu beachten. Die Bedeutung von Interjektionen ändert sich manchmal je nach Kontext, in dem sie verwendet werden. Das Wort oh kann zum Beispiel Überraschung, Enttäuschung oder Freude bedeuten:

Oh! I didn't see you sitting there.

Oh...I was hoping you could stay for a while.

Oh! I'm so glad you came!


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Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

Maria C
ar   Argentinien

Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

Andre T
fr   Frankreich