
Idiom of the Day "Hold your Horses"

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 Hold your Horses

"Hold your horses" is an idiomatic expression that advises someone to be patient or to slow down before taking action. This phrase is often used to caution against rushing into something without careful consideration or to remind someone to remain calm in a given situation.


  1. Hold your horses, Jane! Let's gather all the necessary information before making a decision.
  2. I know you're excited, but hold your horses and wait for the right moment to reveal your surprise.
  3. Hold your horses, everyone! We need to assess the situation before we proceed with the plan.
  4. Hey, hold your horses! You can't just jump to conclusions without hearing the full story.
  5. I understand you're eager to start, but hold your horses and let's organize the tasks properly first.

Incorporating the idiom "Hold your horses" into your English vocabulary will add color to your conversations. It conveys the importance of patience and careful consideration before making hasty decisions. So, next time you find yourself rushing into something, remember to "hold your horses" and take a moment to evaluate the situation.

July, 2023

Posted by Darat Ajyal Sharurah

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