
Idiom of the Day "It's not Rocket Science"

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 It's not Rocket Science

In the world of English idioms, "It's not rocket science" is a popular expression used to convey that something is not difficult to understand or figure out. The idiom draws a humorous comparison to the complexity of rocket science, suggesting that the task at hand is relatively simple and should not pose a significant challenge.

Synonyms for this idiom include "It's not brain surgery" and "It's not quantum physics," both of which convey a similar message of the task's simplicity.

For example:

  1. Don't worry, fixing this computer issue is not rocket science. Just restart it, and it should work fine.
  2. Cooking a basic omelet is not rocket science. You just need a few eggs and some vegetables.
  3. Understanding this concept is not rocket science; anyone can grasp it with a bit of effort.

This idiom is widely used in both casual and professional settings, reminding people not to overcomplicate matters and to approach challenges with confidence. It serves as a reassuring reminder that some tasks may seem daunting at first glance, but with a little effort and common sense, they can be easily tackled. So, the next time you encounter a seemingly difficult problem, just remember, "It's not rocket science!"

July, 2023

Posted by Darat Ajyal Sharurah

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