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Los modismos, proverbios y expresiones en inglés son una parte importante del inglés cotidiano. Aparecen todo el tiempo tanto en inglés escrito como hablado. Debido a que las expresiones idiomáticas no siempre tienen sentido literalmente, deberá familiarizarse con el significado y el uso de cada expresión. Eso puede parecer mucho trabajo, pero aprender modismos es divertido, especialmente cuando comparas los modismos en inglés con los modismos en tu propio idioma.
Aprender a usar modismos y expresiones comunes hará que tu inglés suene más nativo, por lo que es una buena idea dominar algunas de estas expresiones. Puede comenzar aprendiendo los modismos en inglés muy comunes a continuación, ya que estos son los que encontrará regularmente al ver películas o programas de televisión estadounidenses, o al visitar los Estados Unidos.
Los modismos ingleses más comunes
Estos modismos en inglés son extremadamente comunes en las conversaciones cotidianas en los Estados Unidos. Los escuchará en películas y programas de televisión y puede usarlos para hacer que su inglés suene más como el de un hablante nativo.
Idiom | Meaning | Usage |
A blessing in disguise | a good thing that seemed bad at first | as part of a sentence |
A dime a dozen | Something common | as part of a sentence |
Beat around the bush | Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable | as part of a sentence |
Better late than never | Better to arrive late than not to come at all | by itself |
Bite the bullet | To get something over with because it is inevitable | as part of a sentence |
Break a leg | Good luck | by itself |
Call it a day | Stop working on something | as part of a sentence |
Cut somebody some slack | Don't be so critical | as part of a sentence |
Cutting corners | Doing something poorly in order to save time or money | as part of a sentence |
Easy does it | Slow down | by itself |
Get out of hand | Get out of control | as part of a sentence |
Get something out of your system | Do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on | as part of a sentence |
Get your act together | Work better or leave | by itself |
Give someone the benefit of the doubt | Trust what someone says | as part of a sentence |
Go back to the drawing board | Start over | as part of a sentence |
Hang in there | Don't give up | by itself |
Hit the sack | Go to sleep | as part of a sentence |
It's not rocket science | It's not complicated | by itself |
Let someone off the hook | To not hold someone responsible for something | as part of a sentence |
Make a long story short | Tell something briefly | as part of a sentence |
Miss the boat | It's too late | as part of a sentence |
No pain, no gain | You have to work for what you want | by itself |
On the ball | Doing a good job | as part of a sentence |
Pull someone's leg | To joke with someone | as part of a sentence |
Pull yourself together | Calm down | by itself |
So far so good | Things are going well so far | by itself |
Speak of the devil | The person we were just talking about showed up! | by itself |
That's the last straw | My patience has run out | by itself |
The best of both worlds | An ideal situation | as part of a sentence |
Time flies when you're having fun | You don't notice how long something lasts when it's fun | by itself |
To get bent out of shape | To get upset | as part of a sentence |
To make matters worse | Make a problem worse | as part of a sentence |
Under the weather | Sick | as part of a sentence |
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it | Let's not talk about that problem right now | by itself |
Wrap your head around something | Understand something complicated | as part of a sentence |
You can say that again | That's true, I agree | by itself |
Your guess is as good as mine | I have no idea | by itself |
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