Creo que podemos estar de acuerdo en algo: ¡las llamadas telefónicas en inglés no son fáciles!
Es posible que ya esté nervioso al hablar inglés, pero el teléfono agrega presión adicional: no tiene tiempo para prepararse y no puede usar el lenguaje corporal para ayudar.
Y existe el estrés de decir las cosas de la manera "correcta" en inglés, incluso cosas simples como contestar el teléfono.
Hoy queremos ayudarte a saber con 100 % de confianza que estás usando el inglés correcto: las mismas frases y preguntas que usan los hablantes nativos.
En este artículo, aprenderá frases imprescindibles para:
- contestando el teléfono
- presentándose
- Preguntando por alguien
- poner a alguien en espera
- tomando un mensaje
Contestando el teléfono
- Hello. This is Susan. (Personal)
- Hello, thank you for calling [name of company]. This is Susan – how can I help you? (Professional)
- Good morning (good afternoon), this is Susan. How can I help you? (Professional)
Saludarse y presentarse
- This is Laure from [company name].
- Hello. This is Laure. I am calling about… (your advertisement, information about your services, to make a reservation, etc.)
- Hi. It’s Laure.
- Hi – it’s me. (Use esto cuando la otra persona reconozca su voz. Por ejemplo, tu madre, tu mejor amigo o tu hermano.)
Pedir hablar con alguien
- Is _____________ available? (Example: Is Çim available?)
- May I speak to ________________? (Example: May I speak to the doctor?)
- I’d like to talk with _____________. (Example: I’d like to talk with Mr. Adams.)
- Is _______ free? (Example: Is Çim free?)
- Can I talk to ______? (Example: Can I talk to mom?)
Poner a alguien en espera
- Can I put you on hold for a moment, please?
- Would you mind holding for just a moment?
- If it is ok with you, I am going to put you on hold for a moment. I will see if she is available.
??Pro Tip: These expressions can also be used when you are not ready to speak in English on the phone. You can use this moment to calm yourself and prepare yourself to speak English.
- Hold on a sec. (Nota: "Sec" es la abreviatura de "second" y es otra forma de decir "Hold on a moment.")
- Just a sec.
- Just a moment.
Aclarar y pedir repetición
- I’m sorry – I didn’t catch that. Could you please repeat yourself?
- I’m sorry – do you mean to say [identify what you understand]?
- Just to clarify, you said… (Example: Just to clarify, you said you were calling from RTR Industries?)
- Would you mind spelling that for me?
- Would you mind slowing down?
- Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?
- I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?
- Can you spell that?
Tomar un mensaje para alguien
- I’m sorry. She isn’t available at the moment. Can I take a message for her?
- If you leave a message, I will be sure to get it to him as soon as he is available.
- She is away at the moment. May I ask who is calling?
- Would you like me to connect you to his voicemail?
- I’ll let him/her know that you called.
- Who’s calling, please?
Dejar un mensaje para alguien
- Yes. Thank you. Please tell her Selma called. Ask her to call me back at 430.444.4444.
- Could you have her return my call tomorrow?
- Please tell him I’ll be available on Thursday at 9:00.
- Yes, please put me through to her voicemail. Thank you.
- No thanks. I’ll call back later.
- Yeah, tell him Selma called.
Terminar su llamada
- Thank you for calling. I will make sure to give him the message.
- Thanks for calling – I have another phone call so I will need to let you go.
- Thanks for calling and have a great day.
- I have a meeting soon so I have to run. (Los estadounidenses también dirían: "I have a meeting soon so I gotta run.". "Gotta" es la abreviatura de "got to" o "have to".)
- It was great to chat. I’ll talk to you again soon.