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Saludos en ingles! Aprenda estos sinónimos de Hello para mejorar su vocabulario y mejorar su habilidad de comunicación en inglés.
Hello sinónimos
Diferentes formas de decir Hello
Hello sinónimos con frases de ejemplo
Lista de saludos con frases de ejemplo en inglés.
Hi there
Ejemplo: Oh, it’s you David! Hi there!
Ejemplo: I can still grind it out and say howdy to people.
Ejemplo: He extended his hand as a greeting.
Hey, What’s up?
Ejemplo: Hey, what’s up? Why are you so angry.
Ejemplo: Morning sir, how can I help you?
What’s going on?
Ejemplo: Tom, what’s going on? You looks tired.
Hey! There she/he is
Ejemplo: Hey! There she is. She is gorgeous.
How’s everything?
Ejemplo: How’s everything going with you?
How are things?
Ejemplo: How are things going?
Good to see you
Ejemplo: I’m Tom, it’s good to see you.
Great to see you
Ejemplo: It’s great to see you again, John.
Nice to see you
Ejemplo: It’s nice to see you again, David.
What’s happening
Ejemplo: Hey, what’s happening my son, you look tired.
How’s it going?
Ejemplo: Hey guys, how’s it going?
Good evening
Ejemplo: Good evening, everyone!
Hey, boo
Ejemplo: Hey, boo, how are you?
How are you?
Ejemplo: How are you, John?
Nice to meet you!
Ejemplo: Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Tom.
Long time no see
Ejemplo: Hey Susan. Long time no see. How have you been?
What’s the good word?
Ejemplo: What’s the good word for today?
What’s new?
Ejemplo: What’s new?
Look who it is!
Ejemplo: Look who it is!
How have you been?
Ejemplo: How have you been lately?
Nice to see you again.
Ejemplo: Nice to see you again John.
Greetings and salutations!
Ejemplo: Greetings and felicitations! Welcome to our talent show!
How are you doing today?
Ejemplo: How are you doing today?
What have you been up to?
Ejemplo: Hey mate, what have you been up to?
How are you feeling today?
Ejemplo: How are you feeling today?
Look what the cat dragged in!
Ejemplo: Look Tom, what the cat dragged in!
Good afternoon, sir, how are you today?
Ejemplo: Good afternoon, sir, how are you today?
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