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Jusqu'où pouvez-vous compter?
Et si on comptait jusqu'à cent ou mille ?
Cardinal Numbers
Les nombres que vous utilisez pour compter sont appelés "cardinal numbers", par exemple :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen...
Voici quelques autres "cardinal numbers" dont vous devez vous souvenir pour compter :
0 | zero |
1 | one |
10 | ten |
100 | one hundred |
1,000 | one thousand |
1,000,000 | one million |
1,000,000,000 | one billion |
Ordinal Numbers
The numbers you use to talk about the order of things are called "ordinal numbers", for example:
My horse came in first.
I was the fifth person in line.
Here are the first ten ordinal numbers:
first | 1st | sixth | 6th |
second | 2nd | seventh | 7th |
third | 3rd | eighth | 8th |
fourth | 4th | ninth | 9th |
fifth | 5th | tenth | 10th |
Parfois, les nombres ne sont pas exprimés en nombres cardinaux ou ordinaux.
Voici quelques exemples:
half (1/2)
single (1)
double (x2)
triple (x3)
quadruple (x4)
a pair/couple (2)
a few (2 or 3)
several (more than 3 but not many)
a dozen (12)
a half dozen (6)
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