
Verbes à particule avec "Carry"

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Verbes à particule avec CARRY! Apprenez le sens de carry off, le sens de carry on, le sens de carry out, le sens de carry over

Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste de plus de 10 verbes à particule contenant carry avec des significations et des exemples de phrases.


Signification et exemples de Carry off

Carry off

  • Signification: transport loin
  • Exemple: I need a truck to carry off all this furniture.

Carry off

  • Signification: Agir de manière convaincante; réussir à donner l'impression (par exemple) de connaissance, de confiance ou de familiarité
  • Exemple: The actress carried off a difficult performance.

Carry off

  • Signification: Causer la mort
  • Exemple: Malaria carried off many people.

Carry on Signification et exemples

Carry on

  • Signification: Continuer ou procéder comme avant
  • Exemple: I’ll be gone for a few days, but I hope you will carry on in my absence.

Carry on

  • Signification: Emporter des bagages ou des bagages dans un avion, plutôt que de les enregistrer
  • Exemple: You may only carry on items that are smaller than a certain size.

Carry on

  • Signification: Avoir ou maintenir
  • Exemple: It is difficult to carry on a conversation with so many distractions.

Carry on

  • Signification: Agir ou se comporter ; surtout se conduire mal pour attirer l'attention
  • Exemple: I really wish you wouldn’t carry on like that in public!

Carry on

  • Signification: Avoir une relation sexuelle illicite
  • Exemple: I thought he was my friend, but all the time he was carrying on with my wife!

Carry out, Carry over Signification et exemples

Carry out

  • Signification: Maintenez tout en le retirant
  • Exemple: We’ll have to carry the piano out of the shop.

Carry out

  • Signification: Accomplir
  • Exemple: She finally carried out her lifelong ambition when she appeared in a Hollywood blockbuster.

Carry over

  • Signification: Transférer (quelque chose) à un moment ultérieur
  • Exemple: The rent was carried over to December.

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