
Check-in in aeroporto - Viaggiare in inglese

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Sei pronto per fare un viaggio?

Gli aeroporti sono stressanti anche nel tuo paese natale. Questo articolo ti aiuterà a sentirti sicuro durante il check-in in aeroporto. Esercitati con queste frasi in inglese prima di viaggiare verso destinazioni di lingua inglese.

Phrases and Expressions

Check-in Assistant

  • Can I see your ticket, please?
  • Do you have your passport with you?
  • I'm afraid your passport has expired.
  • Do you have a second piece of identification?
  • I'll need to see your child's birth certificate.
  • How many bags are you checking?
  • Will you be bringing a carry-on bag?
  • I'm afraid that bag exceeds the size restrictions.
  • Did you pack your bags yourself?
  • Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
  • Would you like a wheelchair?
  • You'll board at Gate 7.
  • Please be at the gate thirty minutes before your scheduled flight.
  • Did you need any tags for your luggage?
  • Your flight is expected to take off on time.
  • Your flight has been delayed by one hour.
  • Flight 87B to Toronto has been canceled.
  • I'm afraid you're too late to check-in.
  • Your flight is overbooked. Would you be interested in giving up your seat?
  • Enjoy your flight.


  • I'm not sure which of these papers is my ticket.
  • Is it possible to get an aisle seat?
  • I requested a vegetarian meal. Can you check to confirm?
  • Can I take my child through security?
  • Is the flight on time?
  • Will they be serving a meal today?
  • Will they be showing an inflight movie?
  • Where can I get a luggage cart?
  • Can I use my laptop on board?

Sample Conversation

Check-in Assistant: Are you travelling to Dubai?

Passenger: Yes, I am.

Check-in Assistant: Can I see your ticket and passport, please?

Passenger: Here you are.

Check-in Assistant: Thank you. How many bags are you checking in?

Passenger: Two.

Check-in Assistant: Did you pack the bags yourself?

Passenger: Yes, I did.

Check-in Assistant: Has anyone given you anything to carry?

Passenger: No, they haven’t.

Check-in Assistant: Can I see your hand luggage, please?

Passenger: Yes, here it is.

Check-in Assistant: Thank you. That’s fine. Now would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

Passenger: An aisle seat, please.

Check-in Assistant: Here’s your boarding card. Boarding is at 8:15 from gate number 12. Have a nice flight.

Passenger: Thank you. Goodbye.

Check-in Assistant: Goodbye.


travelling (v)

the act of going from one place to another

ticket (n)

A paper slip or card indicating that its holder has paid for a specified service, such as travelling on a bus, train, airplane or entering a place.

passport (n)

An official document issued by a government identifying a citizen, certifying his or her nationality

check in (v)

to register

hand luggage (n)

luggage that is light enough to be carried by hand

window seat (n)

A seat next to a window, on a bus or airplane

aisle seat (n)

the seat in the middle of the airplane

boarding card (n)

a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane

boarding (n)

the act of passengers getting aboard a ship or aircraft


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Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

Maria C
ar   Argentina

Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

Andre T
fr   Francia