Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

Fare o ricevere chiamate di lavoro può essere un'attività molto stressante, soprattutto se la chiamata non è nella tua lingua madre. Se cerchi di limitare o addirittura evitare qualsiasi telefonata di lavoro perché sei troppo nervoso o timido per parlare in inglese, allora è chiaro che devi agire.
Sai cosa vorresti dire alla persona dall'altra parte della linea. Tuttavia, in qualche modo hai paura che articolare le tue idee sia impegnativo perché potresti perdere le giuste espressioni aziendali, o temi che capire l'altra persona non sia facile per te. Tuttavia, telefonare è un'abilità essenziale e necessaria e devi padroneggiare le basi.
Di seguito sono riportate alcune espressioni che utilizziamo per effettuare e ricevere telefonate al lavoro. Queste frasi ti aiuteranno a prepararti per conversazioni telefoniche in inglese.
Introducing yourself
Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike from (department name). Could I speak to (person you’re calling for)?
Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike from (department name). I’m calling about/because…
When the person you want to speak to is unavailable
Can I leave a message for him/her?
Could you tell him/her that I called, please?
Could you ask him/her to call me back, please?
Okay, thanks. I’ll call back later.
Dealing with bad connections
I think we have a bad connection. Can I call you back?
I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder, please?
I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?
Ending the call
Thank you very much. Have a good day.
Thanks for your help. Have a good day.
Answering the phone
Company ABC, this is Mike. How may I help you?
Good morning/afternoon, Company ABC. How may I help you?
Purchasing department, Frank speaking.
Note: If we are taking an external call and talking to a customer, “How may I help you?” is common. If we are taking an internal call, we normally do not say “How may I help you?” For internal calls, saying your name and your department is usually sufficient.
Getting the name of the caller if he/she doesn’t give it to you
May I have your name please?
Who am I speaking with?
May I ask who’s calling?
Responding to a caller’s request
Sure, let me check on that.
Let me see if she’s available.
Sure, one moment please.
Asking someone to wait on the line
Can I put you on hold for a minute?
Do you mind holding while I check on that? (or “handle that for you,” “check to see if he’s available,” etc.)
Taking a message
He’s/she’s not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?
He’s/she’s out of the office right now. Can I take a message?
Dealing with bad connections/wrong numbers
I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you give me your number and I’ll call you right back?
I think we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder, please?
I’m sorry, could you repeat that?
I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.
Ending the call
Is there anything else I can help you with?…Okay, thanks for calling. Have a great day.
Is there anything else I can do for you?…Okay, have a good day.
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