
Padroneggiare l'accordo dei tempi verbali in inglese

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The agreement of tenses, also known as tense consistency, is a crucial aspect of English grammar. It ensures that the verb tenses within a sentence or a passage are consistent and logically aligned. Maintaining proper tense agreement makes your writing clear and easy to understand.

When writing in English, it’s important to match the tense of the verbs in your sentences, especially when using dependent clauses. For example, if your main clause is in the past tense, the dependent clause should also be in the past tense.

Rules and Examples:

1. Present to Present:

  • If the main clause is in the present tense, the dependent clause should also be in the present tense.
  • CorrectShe says that she loves reading. 
  • Incorrect: She says that she loved reading.

2. Past to Past:

  • If the main clause is in the past tense, the dependent clause should also be in the past tense.
  • CorrectHe told me that he was tired. 
  • Incorrect: He told me that he is tired.

3. Future to Future:

  • If the main clause is in the future tense, the dependent clause should generally be in the present tense.
  • CorrectShe will tell you when she arrives.
  • Incorrect: She will tell you when she will arrive.

Mixed Tenses:

Sometimes, different tenses can be used if they reflect different times.

Example: He said that he had finished his work before he left.

Understanding and applying tense agreement helps improve your writing coherence. Consistency in verb tenses guides your reader smoothly through the text, making your communication more effective. Practicing these rules will enhance your fluency and clarity in English writing.

July, 2024

Posted by Darat Ajyal Sharurah

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