revenue [ rev-uhn-yoo, -uh-noo ]
Synonyms: income, gains, receipts, takings, proceeds, earnings, profit, yield, etc.
Definition of revenue
1. the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources, appropriated to the payment of the public expenses.
2. the government department charged with the collection of such income.
3. revenues, the collective items or amounts of income of a person, a state, etc.
4. the return or yield from any kind of property, patent, service, etc.; income.
5. an amount of money regularly coming in.
6. a particular item or source of income.
The factory lost revenue because of the strike by the workers.
The firm is looking for another source of revenue.
Government officials have reported a decrease in revenue.
You must declare any and all revenue on your income tax form.