
Cómo usar "look" en inglés

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El verbo "look" se puede usar de muchas maneras diferentes en inglés. ¡Aquí está nuestra guía!

Look (see)

“If you look left, you can see the castle.”

“She looked carefully at the photo.”


Look for = buscar algo

A:”What are you doing?”

B: “I’m looking for my phone. I think I left it here earlier. Have you seen it?”

Look at = mirar algo con atención

“Look at that view! It’s beautiful, isn’t it!”

(No confunda "look at" con "watch" que significa mirar algo que se mueve)

Have a look = buscar algo

“I can’t find my new book. Can you have a look for it?”

Take a look = mirar algo

“Take a look at that house. It’s gorgeous!”

Look + adjective (seem / appear)

“You look tired.” (Or hungry / upset / happy, etc)

“It looks likely / unlikely (that) we’ll go on holiday this year.”

A menudo usamos "look + adjective" para hacer un comentario sobre la apariencia de alguien.

“You look well! (You look healthy)

“You look great!” (You look really good in those clothes / You look very healthy)

“She looks lovely in red.” (The colour red really suits her)

Look + as if / as though / like + clause

“It looks as if / as though it’s going to rain.”

También puede escuchar "like" en lugar de "as if" o "as though":

“It looks like it ‘s going to rain.”

Si tiene un sustantivo después de "look", no puede usar "as if" o "as though". En su lugar, utilice "like":

“It looks like rain.”

Look like (ser similar a)

“She looks like her mother.”


look alike = parecerse

“Those two really look alike!”

(a look-alike competition = una competencia en la que tratas de parecerte a una persona famosa)

look the same = verse idéntico

“He looks the same as his father.”


Other phrases with “look”

good-looking = attractive

“He’s a very good-looking man!”

have good looks = verse atractivo

“Do you think it’s important to have good looks in order to succeed?”

give someone a dirty look = mirar mal a alguien

“Don’t look now, but Jenny is over there and she’s giving us such a dirty look!”

Verbos frasales comunes con "Look"

Look for  = buscar algo

“He’s always looking for his keys.”

Look at = enfócate en algo que puedas ver

“Look at that man over there!”

Look after = cuidar de alguien

“He has to look after his kids at the weekend.”

Look around = visitar un lugar para inspeccionarlo

“Some people are coming to look around our house tonight. We want to sell it.”

“They looked around the shops in the morning then visited the museum.”

Look forward to = anticipar algo con placer

“I’m looking forward to my holiday!”

(También usamos esto como la frase final en cartas y correos electrónicos, como “I look forward to meeting you next week”).

Look out = prestar atención

“Look out! There’s a car coming!”

Look up to = admirar a alguien

“Is there anyone in your family that you look up to?”

Look down on = considerar a alguien inferior

“He’s a terrible snob and he looks down on people who are poorer than him.”

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Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

Maria C
ar   Argentina

Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

Andre T
fr   Francia