
Enregistrement à l'aéroport - Voyage en anglais

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Êtes-vous prêt à faire un voyage?

Les aéroports sont stressants même dans votre propre pays d'origine. Cet article vous aidera à vous sentir en confiance lors de l'enregistrement à l'aéroport. Pratiquez ces phrases en anglais avant de voyager vers des destinations anglophones.

Phrases et expressions

Check-in Assistant

  • Can I see your ticket, please?
  • Do you have your passport with you?
  • I'm afraid your passport has expired.
  • Do you have a second piece of identification?
  • I'll need to see your child's birth certificate.
  • How many bags are you checking?
  • Will you be bringing a carry-on bag?
  • I'm afraid that bag exceeds the size restrictions.
  • Did you pack your bags yourself?
  • Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
  • Would you like a wheelchair?
  • You'll board at Gate 7.
  • Please be at the gate thirty minutes before your scheduled flight.
  • Did you need any tags for your luggage?
  • Your flight is expected to take off on time.
  • Your flight has been delayed by one hour.
  • Flight 87B to Toronto has been canceled.
  • I'm afraid you're too late to check-in.
  • Your flight is overbooked. Would you be interested in giving up your seat?
  • Enjoy your flight.


  • I'm not sure which of these papers is my ticket.
  • Is it possible to get an aisle seat?
  • I requested a vegetarian meal. Can you check to confirm?
  • Can I take my child through security?
  • Is the flight on time?
  • Will they be serving a meal today?
  • Will they be showing an inflight movie?
  • Where can I get a luggage cart?
  • Can I use my laptop on board?

Exemple de conversation

Check-in Assistant: Are you travelling to Dubai?

Passenger: Yes, I am.

Check-in Assistant: Can I see your ticket and passport, please?

Passenger: Here you are.

Check-in Assistant: Thank you. How many bags are you checking in?

Passenger: Two.

Check-in Assistant: Did you pack the bags yourself?

Passenger: Yes, I did.

Check-in Assistant: Has anyone given you anything to carry?

Passenger: No, they haven’t.

Check-in Assistant: Can I see your hand luggage, please?

Passenger: Yes, here it is.

Check-in Assistant: Thank you. That’s fine. Now would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?

Passenger: An aisle seat, please.

Check-in Assistant: Here’s your boarding card. Boarding is at 8:15 from gate number 12. Have a nice flight.

Passenger: Thank you. Goodbye.

Check-in Assistant: Goodbye.


travelling (v)

action d'aller d'un endroit à un autre

ticket (n)

Un bordereau papier ou une carte indiquant que son titulaire a payé pour un service spécifié, comme voyager dans un bus, un train, un avion ou entrer dans un lieu.

passport (n)

Un document officiel délivré par un gouvernement identifiant un citoyen, certifiant sa nationalité

check in (v)


hand luggage (n)

bagage suffisamment léger pour être porté à la main

window seat (n)

Un siège à côté d'une fenêtre, dans un bus ou un avion

aisle seat (n)

le siège au milieu de l'avion

boarding card (n)

un pass qui vous permet de monter à bord d'un navire ou d'un avion

boarding (n)

le fait que des passagers montent à bord d'un navire ou d'un aéronef


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Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

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Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

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