
40 Palavras Difíceis de Pronunciar que você Provavelmente está Errando

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Todos nós conhecemos a sensação embaraçosa de descobrir que pronunciamos mal uma palavra há anos. Por outro lado, algumas palavras são tão comumente mal pronunciadas que a pronúncia "correta" soa totalmente estranha.

Não se sinta mal se estiver pronunciando incorretamente algumas dessas palavras complicadas. Uma língua viva como o inglês evolui e prospera precisamente porque é falada todos os dias. Algumas pessoas optam por aderir a regras rígidas de gramática e pronúncia (conhecidas como prescrição linguística) e têm prazer na precisão da gramática e do vocabulário do inglês. Outros preferem a abordagem da linguística descritiva, que não aplica julgamentos como "correto" ou "incorreto", mas em vez disso examina como a linguagem é realmente usada. Em outras palavras, contanto que as pessoas possam entendê-lo, você estará usando a linguagem com sucesso para seu propósito principal: comunicação.

1. Accede

How to say it: ak-SEED

May be mispronounced: a-SEED

What it means: to consent, give approval; yield to another’s wishes

2. Alias

How to say it: AY-lee-iss

What it means: an assumed name taken on temporarily, sometimes by a criminal or fugitive

3. Anathema

How to say it: uh-NATH-uh-muh

What it means: someone or something that one strongly dislikes or loathes

4. Anemone

How to say it: uh-NEH-muh-nee

What it means: a flower in the buttercup family; a sedentary marine animal, as in sea anemone

5. Apocryphal

How to say it: uh-POK-ruh-fuhl

What it means: of questionable authenticity, as in a story or statement

6. Camaraderie

How to say it: kah-muh-RAH-duh-ree

May be mispronounced: kahm-RAH-duh-ree

What it means: easy familiarity and friendship, often built over time 

7. Colloquialism

How to say it: kuh-loh-kwee-uh-liz-uhm

What it means: a word, phrase, or expression that is conversational rather than formal

8. Debauch

How to say it: dih-BAWCH

What it means: to lead away from virtue; to corrupt morally 

9. Demagogue

How to say it: DEM-uh-gog

What it means: a leader who appeals to popular passions and prejudices to gain support


How to say it: ih-MOL-yuhnt

What it means: making smoother or less harsh; a substance with a soothing effect on the skin

11. Epitome

How to say it: ih-PIT-uh-mee

May be mispronounced: eh-pi-TOME

What it means: a person or thing that characterizes a whole category to which it belongs

12. Espouse

How to say it: ih-SPOWZ

May be mispronounced: ex-POWZ

What it means: to follow or support an idea or theory as a cause 

13. Espresso

How to say it: eh-SPRES-oh

May be mispronounced: ex-PRESS-oh

What it means: a strong coffee of Italian origin, made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans  

14. Fatuous

How to say it: FACH-oo-uss

May be mispronounced: FAT-choo-uss

What it means: foolish, inane; devoid of intelligence 

15. Forte

How to say it: for-TAY or fort (depending on meaning)

What it means: a musical direction meaning loud (pronounced "for-TAY"); a strong point or a strength (pronounced "fort")

16. Grandiloquent

How to say it: gran-DILL-uh-kwuhnt

What it means: extravagant, lofty, or bombastic in style or manner, especially language 

17. Hegemony

How to say it: hih-JEH-muh-nee

May be mispronounced: hedge-ih-MOAN-ee or homo-JENNY

What it means: authority, leadership, or influence by a dominant social group

18. Inchoate

How to say it: in-KOH-it

What it means: only partly in existence; partially formed, as in an idea

19. Knell

How to say it: nel

May be mispronounced: knel (with the k)

What it means: the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce death or a funeral

20. Maelstrom

How to say it: meyl-struhm

What it means: a violent whirlpool 

21. Mauve

How to say it: mohv

May be mispronounced: mawv

What it means: a pale purple color 

22. Mischievous

How to say it: MISS-chuh-vuhs

May be mispronounced: mis-CHEE-vee-uhs (note the extra syllable)

What it means: naughtily annoying or troublemaking 

23. Nadir

How to say it: NAY-deer

What it means: the lowest point

24. Neophyte

How to say it: NEE-uh-fahyt

What it means: a beginner, a new participant 

25. Noisome

How to say it: NOI-sum

What it means: disgusting, as in odor; capable of causing nausea 

26. Panacea

How to say it: pan-uh-SEE-uh

What it means: a cure-all; a remedy for all illness or solution for all problems 

27. Phlegmatic

How to say it: fleg-MAT-ik

What it means: slow to react, not showing emotion; calm and composed

28. Protean

How to say it: PROH-tee-uhn

May be mispronounced: pro-teen

What it means: assuming various forms; changeable in shape, as an amoeba

29. Puerile

How to say it: PYOO-er-il

What it means: relating to a child or childhood; immature, foolish

30. Pulchritude

How to say it: PUHL-kri-tood

What it means: physical beauty, comeliness 

31. Quinoa

How to say it: KEEN-wah

May be mispronounced: KEEN-oh-ah

What it means: a small edible crop seed 

32. Quixotic

How to say it: kwik-SOT-ik

What it means: insensibly extravagant or romantic

33. Sanguine

How to say it: SANG-gwin

May be mispronounced: sang-WHINE

What it means: cheerful, hopeful, confident, especially in a bad situation

34. Sherbet

How to say it: SHUR-bit

May be mispronounced: SHUR-burt

What it means: a frozen fruit-flavored dessert made without milk

35. Staid

How to say it: steyd

What it means: settled; sedate in character

36. Surfeit

How to say it: SUR-fit

What it means: an excessive amount

37. Timbre

How to say it: TAM-ber

May be mispronounced: TIM-ber (as in, that tree's about to fall down)

What it means: the sound or tonal quality of a particular voice or musical instrument

38. Truculent

How to say it: TRUHK-yuh-luhnt

What it means: defiant, quick to argue or fight

39. Vicissitude

How to say it: vih-SIS-ih-tood

What it means: a change in circumstance, usually undesired 

40. Zephyr

How to say it: ZEF-er

May be mispronounced: ZEF-fire

What it means: a soft, mild breeze


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Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

Maria C
ar   Argentina

Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

Andre T
fr   França