Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!
Maria C

Motivation is one of the most important factors in language learning. Children with a good attitude towards English are more likely to work hard and keep going when learning gets challenging.
Our exams are designed to motivate children by building their confidence step by step. We aim to bring learning to life – covering topics that children are familiar with and developing the skills they need to make friends, study and work in English.
What motivates children to learn a language?
There are two main types of motivation.
Children are also more motivated when they have a positive impression of English-speaking people and cultures. If they like the music, films or sports, they are more likely to want to learn the language.
What motivates children at different ages?
Essentially, it’s the same. Learners of all ages achieve more when they are intrinsically motivated. In other words, when the learning experience is fun, interesting and meaningful.
Children will want to learn if they have extrinsic motivation, such as getting a reward for good results, or needing English for university studies. But as Steve Jobs said: ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’
How can parents influence their child’s motivation?
Research shows that parents’ attitudes towards education have a significant impact on their children’s attitudes towards learning. If you are enthusiastic about learning, it’s more likely that your child will be too.
Just like any other skill, motivation can be encouraged and improved. Children are most motivated when:
1. They feel that a learning activity is interesting and meaningful.
2. They believe that the learning activity can be successfully completed.
3. They have some control over how to do the activity.
4. They will get approval from someone they care about.