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Manejar situaciones de conversación trivial es una habilidad importante, especialmente en el contexto empresarial. Para ayudarte a mejorarlo, hemos reunido algunos ejemplos de charlas comerciales en inglés. Junto con estos diálogos, le proporcionamos listas útiles de frases de conversación trivial en inglés.
A continuación, presentamos diálogos y frases clave para una pequeña charla de negocios en inglés. También encontrarás listas con frases útiles de estos ejemplos que te ayudarán en futuras conversaciones.
Presentarse a sí mismo y a los demás en inglés
En las dos primeras conversaciones encontrarás frases útiles para presentaciones y situaciones en las que te reencuentres con personas.
Este es el escenario de nuestra charla ficticia de negocios en inglés: Jason, Susan, Gesine, Fridtjov y Ben están todos en una conferencia, donde están haciendo nuevos contactos y reconectando con los antiguos.
1. Iniciar una conversación: presentarse
Jason: I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Jason. Jason Horn.
Susan: Nice to meet you. I’m Susan.
Jason: Pleased to meet you, Susan. How are you enjoying the conference so far?
Susan: It’s been great. I’ve met so many interesting people. And it’s a nice break from the office, to be honest.
Jason: I know what you mean. Have you been to one of these conferences before?
Susan: Yes, I was at the one in Glasgow a couple of years ago. What about you?
Jason: That’s funny, I was there, too.
2. Presentar a otra persona en inglés
Jason: Susan, this is my Norwegian colleague, Fridtjov. We work in the same department. Fridtjov, this is Susan.
Fridtjov: Good to meet you.
Susan: It’s nice to meet you, too. Em, could you say your name again for me?
Fridtjov: It’s Fridtjov. Don’t worry. Everyone has difficulty pronouncing my name.
Susan: Fridtjov. Is that how you say it?
Fridtjov: Yes. Perfect!
Iniciar una conversación con alguien que ya conoces
Si ya conoces a la otra persona, no iniciarías la conversación presentándote. Los siguientes diálogos representan situaciones de pequeñas charlas de negocios en las que las personas se reencuentran, hablan por primera vez en persona o le recuerdan a alguien que se han conocido antes.
3. Reconectarse con alguien
Susan: Gesine? Hi, it’s Susan. Susan Christie.
Gesine: Oh, hi, Susan! I thought I recognized you. How are you?
Susan: I’m great, thanks. And you?
Gesine: I’m fine. Fancy meeting you here! What are the chances?
Susan: [laughs] I know. You wouldn’t have time for a quick coffee, would you?
Gesine: Sure. That would be lovely.
4. Iniciar una conversación: reunirse en persona
Jason: You must be Gesine. I’m Jason. It’s good to meet you at long last.
Gesine: Ah, Jason. It’s great to meet you. We’ve been talking on the phone for years — it’s funny that this is the first time we’ve actually met.
Jason: I know! Come on, I’ll introduce you to my colleagues.
5. No me recuerdas
Jason: Ben? Hi, I’m Jason. You don’t remember me, do you?
Ben: I’m sorry. Can you jog my memory?
Jason: Jason Horn. We met last year in Bristol. At the conference.
Ben: Oh, right. I remember now. We met at one of the evening events, right? Was it the one in the town hall?
Jason: Yes, that’s the one.
Ben: Goodness, I’m so sorry. It’s good to see you!
Jason: No worries.
Romper el hielo en situaciones de conversación trivial
Una vez que haya iniciado las conversaciones, querrá que la pequeña charla se prolongue durante algún tiempo y evite las pausas incómodas.
Nunca está mal preguntarle a tu compañero de conversación cómo está. Sin embargo, la respuesta a esta pregunta suele ser muy breve en las conversaciones en inglés. Los relatos detallados de sus problemas de salud o problemas maritales no son los mejores temas para una pequeña charla. Es mucho más inocuo preguntar cómo le gusta a tu compañero de conversación el evento en el que te conociste. Otros temas de charla trivial bastante universales son el clima, los viajes, el alojamiento o tus antecedentes. En los siguientes extractos de diálogo, encontrará cómo puede tener una conversación con un socio comercial utilizando estos temas de conversación trivial.
6. Charla sobre viajes
Jason: How was your trip, Gesine? Not too arduous, I hope.
Gesine: [laughs] No, it wasn’t arduous at all. The plane was almost empty, so I had three seats all to myself. And I took the tram here. The venue is very central, isn’t it?
Jason: You can say that again! Now, how about we grab a coffee before we get down to business?
Gesine: That would be great. Thanks.
7. Pequeñas charlas sobre tus antecedentes.
Susan: Jason said you’re from Norway. How long have you lived here?
Fridtjov: I moved here in 2007.
Susan: Oh, that’s quite a while. I’ve always wanted to go to Norway. Whereabouts are you from?
Fridtjov: I’m from Trondheim. Have you heard of it?
Susan: Yes, I have. A friend of mine lived there, actually. The world’s biggest sundial is in Trondheim, isn’t it?
Fridtjov: [laughs] Yes, that’s right! The Trondheim Torg. That’s funny that you know about that.
8. Preguntar a alguien de dónde viene
Fridtjov: And what about you, Susan? Where are you from? I can’t quite place your accent.
Susan: I’m from Northern Ireland. But I moved here when I was a teenager, so my accent isn’t as strong as it used to be.
Fridtjov: Oh, right. I’ve never been to Northern Ireland before. Are you from Belfast?
Susan: No, I’m from Portstewart. It’s about 60 miles north of Belfast.
9. Pequeñas charlas sobre tu alojamiento
Susan: So, where are you staying while you’re here?
Gesine: At the inn by the park. Do you know it?
Susan: I’ve never stayed there, but I’ve only heard good things about it. It’s very handy for the conference venue.
Gesine: It is, and it’s very comfortable. I don’t travel much in my job, so it’s a bit of a treat to stay in a nice hotel and not to have to worry about my kids and so on.
Susan: [laughs] I bet.
10. Pequeña charla sobre el clima
Ben: I can’t believe the weather we’ve been having — rain, rain, rain. It’s so depressing.
Jason: Yeah, I know. I heard that it’s supposed to get better by the end of the week.
Ben: Really? Isn’t that what they said last week?
Jason: Yeah, well, you can’t really trust the weather forecast. It’s the time of year, though, isn’t it? It’s always miserable in January.
Mantener la conversación en marcha
Sigamos con la conversación. Una vez que haya comenzado con un tema general y bastante impersonal, es posible que desee pasar a un tema un poco más personal. La charla trivial se trata de descubrir qué tienes en común con otras personas. Si puede encontrar un tema que les interese a ambos, la conversación debería fluir con bastante facilidad.
11. Pequeñas charlas sobre tu familia.
Susan: I think I remember you said you had three kids. Is that right?
Gesine: Yes, just the three.
Susan: Just three? Sounds like a bit of a handful to me.
Gesine: It’s getting easier, now that they’re older. They can even be quite good company sometimes.
Susan: And you have a dog, too, don’t you?
Gesine: Well, we did. He passed away last year, unfortunately.
Susan: Oh, dear. I’m so sorry. Losing a pet is awful.
Gesine: Yeah, it is. Anyway, let’s talk about something cheerier.
12. Contar una historia
Gesine: You’ll never guess what happened to my daughter the other day.
Susan: What?
Gesine: Well, she’s 15 and loves entering competitions. But sometimes, you have to be 18 to enter, so I let her use my name. Well, she won. Or rather, I did.
Susan: Cool! What did you win?
Gesine: A luxury holiday for two in the Maldives!
Susan: That’s amazing! Are you taking your daughter or your husband?
Gesine: My daughter, of course.
13. Pequeñas charlas sobre el trabajo.
Jason: So, are you still with the same company?
Ben: Yeah, I am, actually. It’ll be ten years next year.
Jason: And everything’s going well?
Ben: Things have noticeably picked up, so that’s a relief. What about you? Have you been promoted yet?
Jason: [laughs] I have, actually. I remember telling you about that.
Ben: Good for you! What’s your official title these days, then?
Jason: Principal planning consultant.
Invitar a alguien
Especialmente si se reúnen en un evento, es posible que desee pedirle a la otra persona que se una a usted para tomar una taza de café o realizar alguna otra actividad. Así es como puedes hacer eso:
14. Una invitación al pub
Jason: A few of us are going to the pub. Would you like to join us?
Ben: I’d love to. Thanks. What time are you going?
Jason: Around 7.30 this evening.
Ben: Oh, I forgot. I’ve got to call the New York office at eight. I’m not going to be able to make it.
Jason: Why don’t you come along after your call?
Ben: OK, I could do that. Where are you going to be?
Jason: At the Prince of Wales on Market Wynd.
Terminando una conversacion
Terminar una pequeña charla puede parecer tan incómodo como comenzar la conversación. Sin embargo, especialmente en eventos profesionales, es importante que no pases todo el tiempo hablando con la misma persona. Por lo tanto, es importante que sepas cómo terminar una conversación en inglés de forma cortés.
15. Decir adiós
Susan: Is that the time? I’d better get back to work. Listen, it was lovely catching up. I’m so glad I bumped into you.
Gesine: It was great to see you, too, Susan. It made my day.
Susan: Give me a call next time you’re in London.
Gesine: I will, for sure.
Susan: Have a safe trip back home and a great time in the Maldives!
Gesine: Thanks, I will! Take care.
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