
Como Fazer Ligações De Negócios Em Inglês

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Fazer ou receber ligações comerciais pode ser uma atividade muito estressante, especialmente se a ligação não for em seu idioma nativo. Se você tentar limitar ou até mesmo evitar ligações comerciais porque está muito nervoso ou tímido para falar em inglês, é claro que você precisa tomar algumas medidas.

Você sabe o que gostaria de dizer à pessoa do outro lado da linha. Ainda assim, de alguma forma, você tem medo de que articular suas ideias seja um desafio, porque pode estar perdendo as expressões de negócios certas, ou você teme que entender a outra pessoa não seja fácil para você. No entanto, telefonar é uma habilidade essencial e necessária, e você precisa dominar o básico.

Abaixo estão algumas expressões que usamos para fazer e receber ligações no trabalho. Essas frases o ajudarão a se preparar para conversas telefônicas em inglês.


Introducing yourself

Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike from (department name). Could I speak to (person you’re calling for)?

Good morning/afternoon/evening. This is Mike at (company name)/Mike from (department name). I’m calling about/because…

When the person you want to speak to is unavailable

Can I leave a message for him/her?

Could you tell him/her that I called, please?

Could you ask him/her to call me back, please?

Okay, thanks. I’ll call back later.

Dealing with bad connections

I think we have a bad connection. Can I call you back?

I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder, please?

I’m sorry, could you repeat that please?

Ending the call

Thank you very much. Have a good day.

Thanks for your help. Have a good day.



Answering the phone

Company ABC, this is Mike. How may I help you?

Good morning/afternoon, Company ABC. How may I help you?

Purchasing department, Frank speaking.   

Note: If we are taking an external call and talking to a customer, “How may I help you?” is common. If we are taking an internal call, we normally do not say “How may I help you?” For internal calls, saying your name and your department is usually sufficient.

Getting the name of the caller if he/she doesn’t give it to you

May I have your name please?

Who am I speaking with?

May I ask who’s calling?

Responding to a caller’s request

Sure, let me check on that.

Let me see if she’s available.

Sure, one moment please. 

Asking someone to wait on the line

Can I put you on hold for a minute?

Do you mind holding while I check on that? (or “handle that for you,” “check to see if he’s available,” etc.)

Taking a message

He’s/she’s not available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

He’s/she’s out of the office right now. Can I take a message?

Dealing with bad connections/wrong numbers

I’m sorry, we have a bad connection. Could you give me your number and I’ll call you right back?

I think we have a bad connection. Could you speak a little louder, please?

I’m sorry, could you repeat that?

I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.

Ending the call

Is there anything else I can help you with?…Okay, thanks for calling. Have a great day.

Is there anything else I can do for you?…Okay, have a good day.


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Great site to keep my english skills updated for work and travel. I am really enjoying the lessons!

Maria C
ar   Argentina

Loved the course. Abitlity to improve my grammar and spelling in a step by step method has really helped me. Thanks!

Andre T
fr   França